Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Passion of the Earth DVD

The Benedictine Sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude and artist Melanie Weidner offer this illuminating presentation of Passion of the Earth, an art installation located at Spirit Center that provides a fresh telling of the Creation Story. Using poetry and art, theology and science, they make new connections between Christian faith and our relationship with the Earth.

Project author, Sister Teresa Jackson, OSB, and artist, Melanie Weidner, tell the story behind the story in this inspiring film on the history, making and message of this collaborative project. Monastery of St Gertrude community members also share their insights throughout, in vibrant interviews on spirituality and care of the earth.
63 minute main film
Available at:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Christmas Rosaries

  • Order Soon!  Just in time for Christmas.  
  • Made to order. 
  • $40.00 each. 
  • May take up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Candy is back

Fair Trade Candy for sale for a limited time only.

Great for gift giving.
Fair Trade Chocolate 6 different selections A rich and delicious treat

Organic, fairly-traded gourmet chocolate bars that support small-scale farmers and their families. The bars combine famous Swiss standards in chocolate making with cocoa from the farmer co-operatives.

And a Widget

Order anything from Amazon by typing it in this box.

River of Dreams